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The art of dancing
through the mundane
with presence, love, and joy.

  • Mundancing as a Tool for Transformation

    Mundancing can best be described as the art of dancing through the mundane with presence, love, and joy. It is embodying and experiencing everything this moment holds. It is living fully. It is being with what is. It is bringing your awareness to the eternal now.

    The word mundane is defined as routine, dull, and tedious. The sense of mundancing elevates the ordinary to the extraordinary through heightened consciousness and simply choosing to do so. 

    The modern world progresses thanks to the many thankless tasks, chores, and works performed. Even the most brilliant creations and experiments have tedious parts of the work. Weeds grow in the most beautiful gardens and someone has to pull them.

    “Even the most glamorous careers and lives have aspects that are anything but glamorous. “

    To mundance is not to deny the mundane.

    It is to delight in the process of any pursuit. It is to bring a level of celebration to everything. It’s an internal smile that radiates outward. It is an acceptance of all that is, even as you work toward all that can be. It is not a choreographed dance of perfect moves. It is a gorgeous state of graceful ease and flow. 

    It is presence. 

    Sunrise doesn’t long for noon or regret midnight. The greatest gift we can give ourselves and others is presence. It is being where you are and doing what you’re doing. It is deep listening. It is witnessing. It is a state of focus and energetic clarity. It is in absolute alignment with the Soul’s truest purpose, which is to experience the experience in real-time. Awake. Aware. Presence asks what the moment wants from us, and we respond with inspired action.

    It is love.

    Love brings us to life. Life brings us to love. With presence, we can open our hearts to all the love that is. The more we can be with ourselves in every moment, under every circumstance, the more we can know love. After all, love is our most exquisitely important calling. Love asks us to clear away any blocks to its flow, to love ourselves, and to love the world. 

    It is joy.

    Joy is a radical appreciation for the range of our experiences. Joy celebrates the experiences we’re privileged to experience. Even in the face of hardship or grief, trauma, or mere boredom, we can allow ourselves to hold a space of joyful faith and hope within. We were made to feel a wide range of emotions. We are expansive enough to feel the depths of many things all at once. Cultivating joy aligns us with our fullest potential. We can choose joy. We can live from its radiance. As we invite and invoke joy, it becomes our way of being in the world. Joy asks us to seek it, claim it, and become it. As we embody joy, it sustains and enlivens us. A joyful heart makes the unbearable somehow bearable. 

    Devoting our lives to our dreams calls on us to be present and loving through the process of everything. 

    We transform ourselves into vessels of ecstasy as we learn to embrace every task in every moment. If we wish to fulfill our dreams we must hold joy in our hearts as we complete our mundane tasks. A beautiful life requires living in the present with love and joy. The more skilled we get at living from that center point, the greater our impact can be.

    It is up to us how we’ll experience our lives. We can tune out or bemoan the mundane, or we can light up our lives and the world with our graceful mundancing.

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